
Last Session 7:45 pm Wed, Thurs, Fri.

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GoQuest Waiver

at GoQuest

GoQuest Waiver

By taking part at GoQuest (Arena, Junior or The Attic) you agree to and accept our terms and conditions which includes this waiver. In GoQuest Junior all participants must sign an individual waiver (of parent guardian)

GoQuest Limited (“The Company”) Waiver & Safety Disclosure Statement

By taking part or permitting a child under my guardianship to take part in GoQuest (Arena or Junior) I agree to accept the following:


I understand and accept that participating in GoQuest activities in the various challenge rooms (the “Activities”), may expose me to some hazards that may entail unavoidable risk of personal injury (including but not limited to spinal or head injury) and loss of or damage to property (“Risks”).
To reduce the Risks, I agree to follow all the instructions set out in the rules, an
outline of which shall be provided to me in advance of commencing the Activities (the “Rules”), along with all other instructions (whether written or oral) given to me by GoQuest staff.


I understand that children under 5 years of age are not permitted to take part in the Activities and children aged 5 -8 can only take part in a family team and not in a group of children. I understand that in GoQuest Junior 9th to 13th birthdays are permitted (3rd to 6th class) but that 8th birthday groups can only play in family teams.


I agree that I am responsible for the supervision of any under person under the age of 18 years (“child”) and I declare I am aged 18 years or older. I undertake to ensure that the children in my care read, understand and will follow the instructions set out in the Rules and other instructions mentioned above. I declare that if I am not their parent or guardian, I have the express authority and consent of the parent or guardian to agree to this waiver.
I have carefully considered all of the risks involved in undertaking the Activities, including the risk of bumps, scrapes, cuts, bruises and other injuries and agree to undertake the Activities and/or give consent for the child(ren) in my care to participate in the Activities.
In the event of an accident, or loss or damage to personal effects to myself or the children in my care, I acknowledge that GoQuest will not be liable for any direct or indirect loss, damage or injury arising from or in connection with the Activities.



I understand that neither I nor any children in my care, have a medical condition which might make me or him/her/ them more likely to sustain an injury. To the best of my knowledge no children in my care are pregnant.
In consideration of taking part in the Activities, I specifically release and forever discharge GoQuest and its affiliates, officers, agents and employees from any and all liability or claims for injury, illness, death or loss of damage to property which I, or any children in my care, may suffer while participating in the Activities.


It is my intent by agreeing to this Waiver (which I do by taking part or permitting a child in my care to take part) to release GoQuest and hold it harmless from all liability for any such property loss or damage or personal injury whether based upon breach of contract, breach of warranty or any other legal breach.
In accepting this document (and by permitting a child under my guardianship to take part I do accept this document) by taking part, I fully recognise that if injury, illness or damage occurs to me or to children in my care, while I am participating in the Activities, I will have no right to make a claim or file an action in any Court against GoQuest or its affiliates, officers, agents and employees.



I have carefully read this Waiver in its entirety and understand its content. I am aware this is an assumption of risk, waiver and release of liability and I agree to it voluntarily.


I also understand that I should not and may not participate in this activity if I am under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Any questions?

Are you organising a party or corporate event? Have a quick question?

Our very helpful booking office is open Monday to Friday from 9:15a.m. and we can take calls outside of this time too though during busy periods it may be best to email.

    [title] => Get In Touch
    [url] => /contact-us/
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