
Last Session 7:45 pm Wed, Thurs, Fri.

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Group Bookings And Money Pools

Sometimes we make plans to book tickets or a day out together with friends and are delayed in finalising it until we all get to catch up and sort out the payment. With that in mind thought we’d bring this new idea from Collctiv to your attention, makes collecting cash from friends a lot easier and best of all there’s no charge to you either!
Called Collctiv, you simply click on this link  to create a money pool and follow the instructions.
You’ll give the money pool a name, include the amount you’re expecting to collect overall and by what date. You then share the link with your friends. As they pay their names will show up and when you’re ready transfer the cash to your account so that you can book for everybody!
Simple, no charge to you as it’s between friends and best of all those endless chats about getting together to do something special no longer have to wait until you all catch up to sort out cash!